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FREE appointment scheduling software, trusted by 35,000+ independent practitioners, tutors, coaches & small businesses. Setup in less than 2min, and say farewell to admin woes. Works with Android, iPhone/iPad, and Web.
$ 0/Per Month
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Cloud Based
Monthly, Yearly
10to8 ltd.
Starting at $ 0
Starting at $ 69
Available on request
Available on request
Automatically send custom SMS & email reminders to cut no-shows, track client notes and attendance history, let clients book your free slots, take payments with Paypal or Stripe and sync 2-way with Google Calendar, Outlook or iCal. Secure data storage with bank-rate encryption.
Starting at $ 0
Available on request
Zoom, Facebook, Xero, Mailchimp
Used the software for : 2+ years
Company Size :51-200 employee
It is fast, free user friendly and easy to use and setup. I have used several of the competitors but all of them lacked something even the paid version. I was amazed to find such great functionality and brilliant support. I now use it all the time for my therapy business. Thank you 10to8!
The starting price of 10to8 is $ 0/Per Month. It has different pricing plans:
10to8 also provides a free trial to users.
10to8 integrates with various apps:
The top 5 features for 10to8 are: