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Starting at $ 39
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Starting at $ 10
AxisRooms came into existence with the consolidation of need, experience and tough grind by three of the medalist’s in the Travel & Hospitality industry. In the year 2011, the company was founded with an intention to increase and improve Hotel Business Distribution using breakthrough technological solution with a vision to help clients transition to better business practices. AxisRooms’s Strategic team works using clear & down to earth methodologies with the client, digging deep into its roots & shoots to come up with insights & answers.
Today, Axisrooms has grown to a level where it has brought in the majority of the market by its ingenious yet transparent system software developed to accomplish strenuous tasks. Axisrooms is today's requisite to the demands of the Travel & Hospitality Industry.
Available on request
Starting at $ 10
Starting at $ 39.99
""? It is the best software which is best in solving the basic needs of the managers in entire field. ? This software removes the burden of the clients along with hotels managers by providing all his work automatically with single click. ? It helps in up"
""? It helps in concentrating on the tasks, which requires more supervision. ? All the reports of the entire departments will come in front of them in few second. ? They will get the details about the reservation departments along with housekeeping and la"
"Found it a little difficult to learn. Though, the problem was for a day only as I wasn't familiar. Support team helped me well."
"No such disdavantages I found. AXIS Room is a perfect solution, at least for my requirements."
Used the software for : Less than 6 months
Company Size :51-200 employees
This software is user friendly in nature, capable of handling many tasks in a single time.
"? It is the best software which is best in solving the basic needs of the managers in entire field. ? This software removes the burden of the clients along with hotels managers by providing all his work automatically with single click. ? It helps in up
Found it a little difficult to learn. Though, the problem was for a day only as I wasn't familiar. Support team helped me well.
Used the software for : Less than 6 months
Company Size :201-500 employees
Looks like it's the best software to ensure smooth workflow. Found it recommendable.
"? It helps in concentrating on the tasks, which requires more supervision. ? All the reports of the entire departments will come in front of them in few second. ? They will get the details about the reservation departments along with housekeeping and la
No such disdavantages I found. AXIS Room is a perfect solution, at least for my requirements.
Hotel K.
General Manager
Used the software for : 2+ years
Company Size :51-200 employee
AxisRooms is provide very good services and provide 30 to 49 percent Revanue increase every month.
CEO & Co Founder
Used the software for : 2+ years
Company Size :51-200 employee
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Two way interface with golden eye and realtime updation is the key to their being market leader.
Used the software for : 2+ years
Company Size :51-200 employee
Verified By :
We have been using it since march 2013 and have noticed that product has evolved very well. They do take care of major pain points of a hotelier and hence recommended.
The details of AxisRooms Channel Manager’s free trial have not been shared by the vendor.
The top 5 features for AxisRooms Channel Manager are: