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We are giving 1-month free demo. The user can also use in local server and online server. We will protect your data with fully secure in this software you will get many best features, there are some advanced features in this which was not on the market.
$ 69.44/Per Year
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Starting at $ 0.14
Starting at $ 10
Starting at $ 0
Starting at $ 0
Starting at $ 0
Starting at $ 0
Available on request
Available on request
Starting at $ 9.86
Starting at $ 0
Good medical practice relies on trust between doctors and their patients.It is important that doctors are able to effectively communicate with the patients to help them best. Communication is important in the delivery of high-quality health as it improves the outcome for the patient and doctor both.
Starting at $ 39.99
Available on request
Available on request
Used the software for : 6-12 months
Company Size :1-10 employees
I am maintaining my laboratory (diagnostics) very easily with dicatalyst. They are providing good service. Lot of New features in this software. We can also write expenses. We can check our income directly
Lot of New features
Used the software for : 6-12 months
Company Size :11-50 employees
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Using great technology and providing best customer supports Just Billing makes me a really happy to say that using their solution for my retails has been one of my wisest decisions for my medical shops
Very nice to use
Used the software for : 6-12 months
Company Size :11-50 employees
Trendy software with most advanced features. It makes pharmacy very easy, and lab management software is most attractive and very advanced software.
Easy to use
Used the software for : More than 1 year
Company Size :1-10 employees
An amazingly user-friendly medical billing software, it helps me in every nook and corner of my pharmacy business. After using this medical billing system for quite some time now, my retail managers are equally happy about its functionalities. Overall, it's a compact application that easily fits within my requirements and delivers specific solutions.
Used the software for : More than 1 year
Company Size :11-50 employees
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I love this company because the atmosphere is very cool and hygienic. Dicatalyst Med-corp have many software products not only related to health care and there some other products. For Medical Shops and Hospitals it is the best software, it makes their life easy. This is the Future of Health Care. Dicatalyst softwares are very advanced softwares in the market. there are many new things and new features in the software
The starting price of Dicatalyst is $ 69.44/Per Year. It has different pricing plans:
Dicatalyst also provides a free trial to users.
The top 5 features for Dicatalyst are: