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Get a Mini App in 5 minutes using the Goodbox Mini App builder. Mini Apps are Readymade Apps that are less than 1% the Cost of an App. 20,000+ Businesses have got their own. Mini Apps have features similar to that of large online apps. No need to make your own app now! Get online food ordering software
$ 34.72/Per Year
Our Awards and Recognition
Available on request
Starting at $ 208.32
Starting at $ 0.14
Available on request
Starting at $ 39
Available on request
Starting at $ 4
Monthly, Yearly
Starting at $ 0
Starting at $ 29
Starting at $ 0
Starting at $ 0
Starting at $ 83.32
Do you want to build an App for your business? Get a Mini App instead! With consumers using smartphones, most businesses are interested in getting an app but find it very expensive and difficult to get one. They also understand that consumers don't like to download multiple apps. To solve these challenges, we created Mini Apps. Why get a Mini App for your business? Mini Apps are ready-made business apps with power-packed functionality. They have everything that an app has - but without the headache of creating your own. And it takes just 5 minutes to create one. Just enter some basic information about your business and your Mini App is ready. It's a 100% self-create, self-manage app. It's that simple! 17,000+ Businesses Created Mini Apps 17,000+ Businesses, including well-known brands, have created their Mini App on the Goodbox Mega App in the last few months. The pricing of a Mini App is less than 1% the cost of creating your own app. It doesn't get better than this!
Starting at $ 0
Starting at $ 29
"It allows anybody and anyone to register and accept payments for the services provided "
"Goodbox is available on mobile devices and also support multiple local languages. "
"Doesn't provide a good customer support and all the problems have to be sorted off application"
"Totally happy with the software. Couldn’t find a single negative factor about it."
Layout engineer
Used the software for : More than 1 year
Company Size :11-50 employees
I have been using this for the past 1 year or so and this app allows all small scale businesses to register and accept payments directly from the customer. It not only eases the business but also the customer from all the hastle. I would definitely recommend this app to my friends.
It allows anybody and anyone to register and accept payments for the services provided
Doesn't provide a good customer support and all the problems have to be sorted off application
Used the software for : 1-2 years
Company Size :51-200 employee
I tried Goodbox personally for converting my wordpress blog into an Android app, It is amazing how it does with a beautiful look. It is good for beginner level app but if your expecting mork goodbox is not a right choice, because it should have a better tools like parsing xml data from blogging websites and giving a card view, so more bloggers can use Good box and it would be on the top of any competitors. Good luck with the product
Used the software for : More than 1 year
Company Size :11-50 employees
I have a small scale business, Goodbox - Readymade Apps is an excellent app which has helped my business to grow rapidly. I am using it for more than a year It comes with well-designed features which increases the productivity with unique features like Email Marketing, DIY Store, bulk uploading of product, plugin, custom domain, SSL, discounts, coupons, Multi-Currency. Additionally, I could easily manage the catalogs, promotions, products, orders on a single platform.
Goodbox is available on mobile devices and also support multiple local languages.
Totally happy with the software. Couldn’t find a single negative factor about it.
Used the software for : 2+ years
Company Size :51-200 employee
Made it very simple and easy to get an app.
Used the software for : 2+ years
Company Size :51-200 employee
Liked the business model. We have a direct interaction with customers. Very good and neat.
The starting price of Goodbox - Readymade Apps is $ 34.72/Per Year. It has different pricing plans:
Goodbox - Readymade Apps also provides a free trial to users.
The top 5 features for Goodbox - Readymade Apps are: