Building an app and getting things done through it has become a very common process in today’s scenario. There is an app for everything which you can think of. Rather than luxury, it has become a basic necessity these days. Moreover, have you ever through how much difficult and risky it is for a mobile application development industry a successful app?
As a mobile application development industry, a mobile app idea is something which you can easily begin with. But just having an idea would not help you until and unless you simply justify its potential via development and good marketing strategies.
Considering the level of competition in the several App Stores, no matter whether you are developing a stand-alone app or just extending your web presence with a native mobile app, you need to build an app with standout functionality and features.
It will only take a little bit time for the people to download an app, but there is a lot of struggles and risks that the mobile application development industry goes through to develop them.
With respect to this, so here are some of the hidden risks which must be avoided in order to build a good understanding and competent mobile application.
1. Building an app that is not useful for the end-users
What exactly is the use of an app that does not work out for anyone?
This is the most basic mistake mobile app development industry commit at the time od developing an app. Always consider the end-user perspective at the time of developing an app. Ignoring end-users in the design of an application is a mistake.
After all, they are the ones who are going to use an app. Most of the companies think that they know what is actually needed. But make sure that the people doing the work knows their needs the best.
2. Adding too many features into one app
Mobile application development industry believes in feature-rich applications and hence try to add as much as possible features in just a single app.
But adding lots of features in a single application has some sort of advantages too like firstly, adding features that are seldom used in the app, which can make your app heavier and can even slow down the reliability and speed time, secondly, too many features which make an app confusing and clumsy, and the last, too many features mean additional resources in terms of the investment, time and development too.
So, make sure to keep the app as simple as possible. And only those features that are really essential to the users and ignore the features that are hardly used.
Also, Read: 7 Major Mistakes That New Mobile App Developers Make
3. Assuming that your application is perfect
Once you are done with developing an app, don’t think that your work is done. Launch your app and wait for the exact feedback.
These feedbacks will surely help you to get the real-time picture of the application. You will receive positive as well as the negative feedback from real-time users.
Work on the negative or bad reviews to make your app much better as the reviews you will get are from the real-time owners who know what type of UX/UI and functionality they want.
4. Not offering anything unique
There are several apps available in the different app stores. So, it is sure that there will be many apps like yours.
But in order to make sure that your app will stand out from the rest of the applications in the app store, you need to offer something special and unique with respect to features.
Make sure to don’t just copy the features of another app and build yours. It would not be going to earn you any positive points. Moreover, you can always take ideas from similar apps which are available in your niche.
5. Developing for the various platform at once
As most of us already know, that there are majorly two App stores, which are available for publishing your app – Google Play Store, App Store. If you are a bigger company, then you can think of developing an application on all these platforms at once.
But if you are a mid-sized or small company, then don’t go for both the platform at the same point of time as it will turn out to be much more expensive. You just don’t have to consider the development cost of these platforms, but also you need to take care of the promotion or marketing cost. So, it is much more advisable to target them easily.
Select the most appropriate channel and platform and get started with it. Moreover, the Apple app store is targeted to generate more revenues, and the Google Play Store is targeted for making your application more viral.
Also, Read: 9 Latest Mobile App Development Trends in 2019
6. Taking reference from different websites
One coming mistake most of the mobile application industry make is to try to use the existing web pages for a mobile app.
But it should be understood in a way that moving from a screen of browser to a mobile screen provides with a lot of things no matter whether it is screen size or user experience.
7. Bad UX/UI
Good user experience and interface is a must-have for an application. The user most likely to engage with the apps that are user-friendly and have a good user experience; A good interface helps the user to navigate with the help of your website.
Augmented Reality:
For Example Augmented reality (AR) makes the employment of technology to feature artificial, digital characters to real-life objects. It utilizes code or a tool to feature sounds, sights, or sensory stimuli to something you’re seeing. It is difficult to develop UI/UX for Augmented Realty
8. Risk of getting denied
One of the essential realizations that the business must come to accept the native applications are that you are playing in someone else sandbox. You must play by their rules, or even run the risk of getting your application denied.
9. Risk of security breaches
Security breaches are nothing new and apply to any type of mobile application. The danger and security here lie in underestimating the need for the proper precautions of the security within the native applications.
Some of the companies make the mistake of assuming native apps which are inherently secure and ignore the proper security measures in the process.
So, these are some of the risks which are involved while developing an app. Keeping in mind and rectifying these risks can help you to build an app that is almost perfect for the end-users.
Chanchal Soni is a Growth Hacker and CRO Specialist at Appitsimple. She has experience in digital marketing, social media, content strategy, and marketing communications. Lover of huskies, the ocean & Boston sports.
Thanks for providing the useful information on hidden risks in mobile application developments.