Organisations spend extensively on marketing their product. And the primary goal of marketing is to generate quality leads. Companies advertise their products and services on every possible platform to get that one call from their target customer. Imagine missing it. All the time and money go down the drain. If you have faced similar situations, you need to get connected to the team at MyOperator.
MyOperator was born out of the philosophy that an organization must not miss its business leads and should retain their customers. It’s a SaaS based cloud telephony application and works on Virtual PBX. It provides both toll-free and non-toll-free numbers.
I had asked my team to find the top 10 benefits MyOperator could provide to its users and they came out with the following.
- Call Tracking Facility: Tracks the numbers of all the callers
- Call Recording Facility: Records customer interaction
- Voice-mail: Enables a customer to record a voice message in case of unavailability.
- Click-to-call: Enables you to get back to the customers whose calls you missed from the panel itself.
- A Panel which shows the list of calls tracked (in form of an excel sheet)
- Bulk-SMS facility as an add-on feature
- Sticky Agent helps customers to directly talk to the agent with whom he had a conversation in the past.
- Live-Call Transferring reduces the time of waiting for the customers
- Multi-Login user enhances a sense of accountability.
- Extension Dialing helps to get connected to the required person just by dialing the extension number
What the customers had to say:
To verify the advantages of using MyOperator, we got connected to one of their customer Antilog Vacations. The company is in the travel industry and required an easy to handle solution to a) manage multiple calls during peak hours b) ensure that the calls are not missed due to an engaged lines c) record and file the conversation with the customer to assess the effectiveness of the customer representative and increase chances of sales closure.
How MyOperator helped Antilog–
Today, Antilog has a single virtual number (Antilog preferred non toll-free, though my operator can also provide toll-free numbers) which makes it possible for Antilog to give its customers one number instead of the multiple phone lines. The MyOperator Panel, not only keeps a track on the calls but also records the conversations taking place. Additionally, it allows Antilog’s team to call the missed customers with the click of a button with its click-to-call feature.
Besides Antilog, they claim of big names like Mahindra First Choice, Dulux Paints, Lenskart, Snapdeal & even the Aam Aadmi Party as their customers.
Why MyOperator and Why Not Any Other Virtual PBX !!!!
We wanted to know why one should be choose MyOperator over the other PBX players, so we asked them the question. And this is what they had to say-
- 30 days Full Refund Policy: We are very confident on the quality of service we provide. Hence, we have money back policy for unsatisfied customers or who doesn’t find this product to be useful. Currently, no other PBX player allows you to do that.
- Uptime-service: We have a 99.9% uptimes. So we will never let your business go down.
- Product dimensions you can find only on MyOperator : Live-Call Transferring, Multi-Login user with a permission option to restrict or enable using & Extension Dialing are three features unique to MyOperator and these features increase productivity by leaps and bounds.
- Zero dissatisfied customer and a very efficient service support.
What they lack:
The service looked pretty good to us, but what the mobile app they have is can be further improved. The team however, is working on it and has promised to bring a new version live in less than a months’ time.
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