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PayIT can eliminate the need for multiple timesheets for multiple projects making this a single window entry for all timesheet data that needs to be recorded!
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Starting at $ 10.4
Starting at $ 69
Starting at $ 12.5
Available on request
Cloud Based
Starting at $ 5
Starting at $ 40
Fifth Generation Technologies India (P) Ltd.
Available on request
Available on request
Starting at $ 0.68
Time is of the essence for all businesses, but more so for small to medium service businesses. Tracking and analysis of the use of time can be used as a strategic advantage by SMEs to discover waste, improve efficiency and gain new business!
PayIT is a web based tracking and reporting software that has been designed to specifically meet the tracking, reporting and analysis needs of small to medium enterprises. With its “easy to use” interface and seamless and simple workflow, PayIT allows SME organizations to simplify the process of capturing, reporting and analyzing timesheet data.
Today, most of the time accounting is done on spreadsheets or paper based forms. This makes the analysis process manual which in-turn is laborious, and therefore is rarely done. Without analysis, an organization will not be able to benchmark on the efficiency, or discover opportunities for further enhancement of project revenues. PayIT delivers reports on project times spent by personnel on various projects within seconds! Also, often there is a need for accounting on non-project time spent and the corresponding costs.PayIT provides flexibility to capture and track non-project activities (such as corporate meetings, company-wide seminars, etc.) that are hidden costs to most organizations.
Starting at $ 5
Starting at $ 7
"The software is easy to use, simple to understand because of a good navigation bar. The service is available on any platforms such as mobile or computer."
Tushar D.
Used the software for : More than 1 year
Company Size :201-500 employees
It user-friendly software, Classic interface which attracted the customer, it is easy to use. PayIT can eliminate the need for multiple timesheets for small business, medium business, for multiple projects making this a single window. The software has cloud-based deployment & it takes payment onetime and then provides a service to the user. The users are personal, StarTups, SMEs agencies.
The software is easy to use, simple to understand because of a good navigation bar. The service is available on any platforms such as mobile or computer.
Used the software for : 2+ years
Company Size :51-200 employee
Verified By :
Its best software i like it its have many payment option like online banking using it we can use simple banking what does its best how s its easy banking when its many optin credit card banking emi option whats that
The details of Pay IT’s free trial have not been shared by the vendor.
The top 5 features for Pay IT are: