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Visits to the Palais Garnier

Visits to the Palais Garnier


The present terms of sale apply to individual or volume sales of admission tickets to visit the Palais Garnier (excluding guided tours) and vouchers for the multimedia guide service purchased from the Paris Opera. The Paris Opera reserves the right to modify or adapt the present terms and conditions of sale at any time. The terms and conditions which apply are the ones in effect on the day of purchase or on the day the booking request was received by the Paris Opera’s visitor service. The act of purchase implies the purchaser’s complete and irrevocable agreement to the present terms and conditions.

1. Conditions governing visits to the Palais Garnier

These conditions are applicable to all holders of a visitor’s admission ticket, regardless of how that ticket was obtained.

The Palais Garnier is open and accessible for visits*:

  • From the beginning of September to mid-July from 10 am to 5 pm (last admissions at 4:30 pm).
  • From mid-July to the beginning of September from 10 am to 7 pm (last admissions at 6:30 pm).

Opening hours are modified on days of afternoon performances:from 10 am to 1 pm (last admissions at 12:30 pm).

Closed January 1st, May 1st and days of morning performances or special events (the latest information can be found in the section Visit / The Palais Garnier / Opening times).

*These opening hours are subject to change: information is updated on the website and at the entrance to the ticket office.

Entrance to the Palais Garnier is possible only on presentation of:

  • A valid visit ticket
  • A booking fee for groups
  • A valid health pass and proof of identity. The conditions of validity and presentation of the Health Pass should be checked beforehand with the French authorities at

Each ticket allows one entry. Wearing a mask is compulsory for all visitors from the age of 11. Lockers and cloakrooms are closed during the visit : access to our theaters is forbidden to scooters, rollerblades, skateboards, electric monowheels and bulky luggage. A ticket gives admission to the public areas including: the rotonde des abonnés, the bassin de la Pythie, the grand staircase, the grand foyer, the avant-foyer, the salon de la lune and the salon du soleil, the rotonde du glacier, its tapestries and the Opera’s Library-museum (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Access to the auditorium may be restricted or impossible for technical and/or artistic reasons. The visitor’s ticket also gives admission to the temporary exhibitions (complete details are available in the section Visit / Exhibitions). Inaccessibility or restricted access to one of the public areas are not grounds for reimbursement or exchange. Photographs or videos taken during the visit may not be used for commercial purposes, subject to prosecution. Ticket holders may not sell or distribute any product or article on the premises of the Palais Garnier. It is forbidden to consume food or drink inside the Palais Garnier.

In accordance with article 10 of Law 9573 of 21/01/1995 visitors may be filmed by a video surveillance system.

Organized groups comprised of a maximum of 20 participants per group may visit on condition that they respect the movement and flow of other visitors, and only after advance booking with the Paris Opera’s visitor service. If the visit is a guided one, it must be led by a licensed tour guide or a teacher with their students except when the Paris Opera expressly authorizes otherwise. The Paris Opera reserves the right to refuse admission to any group that fails to respect the visiting conditions outlined above.

2. Conditions of purchase

These conditions apply to visitor admission tickets purchased directly from the Paris Opera. Tickets cannot be exchanged, returned or refunded (notably in the event of loss or theft or due to inaccessibility or restricted access to one of the public areas).

a. Conditions for purchasing individual tickets*

Access to the Palais Garnier can only be guaranteed to visitors who have pre-booked their tickets.

Individual visitor admission tickets may be purchased:

  • Online at Full-price tickets, reduced-rate tickets for young people (aged 12-25) or free entrance for children (under 12); valid only the day of the visit.
  • On the phone: +33 1 71 25 24 23. Full-price tickets, reduced-rate tickets for young people (aged 12-25) or free entrance for children (under 12); valid only the day of the visit.
  • On the Paris Opera application. Full-price tickets, reduced-rate tickets for young people (aged 12-25) or free entrance for children (under 12); valid only the day of the visit.
  • At the ticket machines of the Palais Garnier. Full-price tickets, reduced-rate tickets for young people (aged 12-25) or free entrance for children (under 12); only valid on the day of purchase.
  • At the ticket counter of the Palais Garnier. Full-price, reduced-rate or free tickets; only valid on the day of purchase.

Vouchers for multimedia guide (valid for 1 year from the date of purchase) may be purchased:

  • Online at;
  • On the phone: +33 1 71 25 24 23 ;
  • At the ticket machines of the Palais Garnier;
  • At the ticket counter of the Palais Garnier.

*The purchasing terms and conditions may change. Please refer to the section Visit / The Palais Garnier / Conditions of booking for up to date information.

In accordance with articles L 121-17 and L 121-21-8 of the French Consumers’ Code, the right to retraction does not apply to the online purchase of visitor admission tickets.

b. Conditions for purchasing group and multiple tickets

These terms apply to:

  • Employee organizations;
  • Associations;
  • Tour operators;
  • Coach operators;
  • Travel agents;
  • Schools and other educational establishments;
  • Groups of friends;
  • Lecturer-guides.

Organized group visits

A reservation is required for all organized groups and must be made at least 21 days prior to the date of the planned visit.

All groups must pay a booking fee in addition to the price of their visitor’s admission tickets in accordance with the terms outlined below.

The booking fee includes the reservation of a time slot on a given day, the speaking fee, where applicable (one speaker per group), and the use of headsets for the entire group (when the visited is guided by a licensed tour guide or a teacher with their students).

The use of headsets is optional for school groups comprised of children under the age of 12.

Purchase of multiple tickets (minimum of 20 tickets)

Tickets are offered at a special rate and are valid for one year from the date of purchase. These tickets are intended solely for individual use.

Purchase of vouchers for multimedia guide

Vouchers are offered at the standard rate and are valid for one year from the date of purchase.

Booking procedure

The purchaser must send a booking request to the Palais Garnier’s visitor service:

  • By e-mail to:;
  • By regular mail to the following address:

Opéra national de Paris – Service des visites – 8 rue Scribe – 75009 Paris

Incomplete booking requests will not be processed by the Paris Opera and the Paris Opera will notify the prospective purchaser to this effect. The purchaser must make the payment to the Paris Opera no later than 15 working days before the day of visit. Payments can only be processed after the orders have been confirmed by the Palais Garnier’s visitor service. The purchaser must inform its clients of the Paris Opera’s pricing policies and the conditions governing visits to the Palais Garnier. For further information, the Palais Garnier’s visitor service may be contacted at +33 (0)1 40 01 24 90 from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 1 pm.

3. Prices

The prices applicable are posted at the ticket counters and published online in the section Visit / The Palais Garnier / Prices. The Paris Opera reserves the right to change its prices at any time. In the event that prices do change, the prices applicable will be those in effect on the date that the order is received.

a. Single tickets

Visitor’s admission tickets

Reduced* rates are offered to:

  • Young people aged 12-25;
  • Holders of an Opera subscriber card or a Pass’ Académie card;
  • Holders of a visit ticket for the Bastille Opera;
  • Visitors concerned by partnerships with other cultural institutions and organizations (upon presentation of valid identification, see conditions on the website in the section Visit / The Palais Garnier / Prices).

Free admission is offered to:

  • Children under the age of 12;
  • The disabled and their helpers (limited to one helper per disabled person, additional helpers at full price);
  • The unemployed, recipients of social assistance / RSA / other minimum social benefits (on presentation of a document dated within the last 3 months);
  • Holders of the Pass’ Jeunes Opéra;
  • Holders of the AROP Particulier card ;
  • Holders of the Carte Culture (valid for two persons);
  • Holders of the French professional tour guide card;
  • Holders of the Bibliothèque nationale de France’s reader’s card (admission to the reading room of the Opera’s Library-museum) ;
  • Architecture students and École du Louvre students.

* Presentation of valid supporting documents is required for the issue of free tickets or reduced-rates tickets

Voucher for multimedia guide

Full price. Optional.

b. Group visits

Booking fee (required for all group visits)

Groups comprised of more than 7 adults (over the age of 25) pay full price.

Reduced rates are offered to:

  • School groups and extra-curricular groups under the age of 25;
  • Groups of adults exempt from paying the entrance fee (recipients of social assistance, the unemployed, the disabled);
  • Small groups comprised of 7 people or less, with a lecturer.

School groups participating in an educational project with the École du Louvre or with the Young Audience department of the Paris Opera are exempt from paying the booking fee.

Visitor’s admission tickets

Adult groups

Reduced rates are offered to all organized groups.

Free admission is offered to:

  • The unemployed, recipients of social assistance / RSA / other minimum social benefits (on presentation of a document dated within the last 3 months);
  • The disabled and their helpers (on presentation of a proof, limited to one helper per disabled person).

School groups

Reduced rates are offered to young people aged 12-25 and their accompanying adults (a maximum of one accompanying adult for 9 children, additional accompanying adults pay full price).

Free admission is offered to:

  • Children under the age of 12 (accompanying adults up to a maximum of one accompanying adult for 5 children go free, additional accompanying adults pay the reduced rate) ;
  • Groups of students from the École du Louvre and from architecture and schools.

The use of headsets is optional for chidren under 12s.

Multiple tickets

A special reduced rate applies. A minimum of 20 tickets per order is required. These tickets are valid for one year and are for individual use only (no more than 7 people, without speaking rights).

Multimedia guide

Full price. Optional.

4. Payment

a. Payment of individual tickets

  • With a valid bank card (Carte bleue, Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard, American Express, JCB);
  • By cheque in Euros drawn on a French bank and made out to the Opéra national de Paris (at the ticket counter only);
  • By cash in Euros (at the ticket counter only).

b. Payment of visitor’s admission tickets and vouchers for multimedia guide ordered from the Palais Garnier’s visitor service

  • By cheque in Euros drawn on a French bank and made out to the Opéra national de Paris.

The amount must be clearly indicated. The Paris Opera cannot be held responsible for losses or damages resulting from the omission of this amount on the cheque by the client.

  • With a valid bank card (Carte bleue, Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard, American Express, JCB).
  • By electronic transfer (request the relevant banking details from the Palais Garnier’s visitor service). The reference number provided by the Paris Opera’s visitor service must appear on the transfer order.
  • By purchase order or administrative transfer. Sending a signed purchase order constitutes agreement.

Upon receipt of payment, the Palais Garnier’s visitor service will process the request within a maximum of 21 days and inform the purchaser by e-mail. An order processed in this way cannot be modified: tickets are neither returned, reimbursed nor exchanged by the Paris Opera.

In exceptional circumstances, an unprocessed order may be modified. In such cases, the purchaser must address the new request by letter or e-mail to the Palais Garnier’s visitor service. No changes are possible after receipt of payment. If no payment is received by the Paris Opera after 15 days before the day of visit, the order will be automatically cancelled. In addition, the Paris Opera reserves the right to refuse all orders from a customer who has not respected the present terms and conditions.

5. Delivery of admission tickets and vouchers for multimedia guide 

Free tickets and reduced-rate tickets are issued subject to presentation of the relevant documentary proof.

a. Individual admission tickets and vouchers for multimedia guide

  • For purchases made online at, tickets may be printed by the customer once payment for an order has been confirmed.
  • For purchases made online at, tickets can be downloaded in e-ticket format to be scanned directly from a customer’s smartphone or tablet once payment has been confirmed.
  • Tickets may be collected from the Palais Garnier’s visitors’ ticket counter or from the automatic ticket machines located in the entrance hall.

b. Admission tickets and vouchers for multimedia guide ordered from the Palais Garnier’s visitor service

Tickets paid less than one week before the date of the visit must be picked up from the Palais Garnier’s visitors’ ticket counter.

  • Tickets may be picked up from the Palais Garnier’s visitors’ ticket counter every day (except January 1st, May 1st and exceptional closures) from 10 am to 4:45 pm, and until 12:30pm on days with a matinee performance, upon presentation of proof of the paid order.

The purchaser or their representative is required to verify the number and condition of the tickets and to sign the document confirming reception of the tickets. The order must be withdrawn in its entirety.

  • Tickets may be sent by standard mail at a cost of € 4 (€ 8 for foreign countries)
  • Tickets may be sent by registered mail with proof of delivery at a cost of € 8 (€ 15 for foreign countries).

Any change to a customer’s postal address must be reported by e-mail or letter to the visitor service. No refunds will be given on tickets that cannot be expedited due to a customer’s failure to notify a change of address. The Paris Opera cannot be held responsible for the loss, theft, or delay of tickets during their delivery. In the event purchased tickets have not been received three business days prior to the date of the visit, the customer should contact the Palais Garnier’s visits department.

6. Collection and return of multimedia guides and headsets

a. Multimedia guide

The equipment may be collected on presentation of the voucher at the counter located just before the entrance to the visit and may be returned at the theatre exit.

b. Headsets

Headsets may be collected on presentation of the reservation voucher at the counter located just before the entrance to the visit.

They may be returned at the theatre exit no later than 15 minutes prior to the closing of the Palais Garnier to visitors.

7. Force majeure

In the event that the Palais Garnier closes and the purchaser is not informed at least 10 days prior to the date of the planned visit when that date has been made known to the Paris Opera, and when the closure is due to the Paris Opera, excluding a force majeure which expressly includes requisition of the Palais Garnier by any other public authority for whatever reason, and in the event of a general strike, the face value of the ticket paid by the customer to the Paris Opera* will be refunded upon request to the customer, to the exclusion of any other damages or indemnification. A request for reimbursement must be made no later than three months after the date of the visit. All requests must be sent with the unused tickets and the purchaser’s relevant bank details (account information or Bank card / American Express / JCB card number with expiration date).

*Refunds of tickets purchased from a third party will be handled by the third party.

8. Claims

All claims must be made in writing and sent to the Paris Opera (within 8 days following the date of the visit) by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt to the following address: Opéra national de Paris – Service des visites – 8 rue Scribe – 75009 Paris.

In cases where a deadline applies, the postmark will provide the proof-of-posting date.

In accordance with article R 616-1 of the French Consumer Code, Paris Opera clients have free recourse to a consumer mediation service if no solution is found, either on-line through the website, or by post to the address of the Médiation de la consommation AME: 197 boulevard Saint-Germain - 75007 Paris  

 The general terms of sale and the terms and conditions governing visits to the Palais Garnier are subject to change. Last update: Septembre 29th, 2020  

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